
How To Increase chest Milk Supply Fast

Simple Ways To Increase chest Milk Supply:
If you think you’re baby is falling short of chest milk, don’t worry- it’s not a serious issue. All it needs is the right approach, and soon, your breastmilk supply will be back to normal. Here, we’ve listed down some simple tips on how to increase chest milk supply.

1. Monitor Your Baby’s Weight:
The best to ensure your baby gets enough milk is to monitor her weight. If she exhibits a rapid weight growth in the first couple of weeks, her growth and development are on track.

2. Nurse Often:
Waiting too long to start breastfeeding can be why you’re experiencing a reduced supply of milk. You need to start breastfeeding as soon as your baby is born; feed her often, at, least every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Nursing often is a great way to increase breastmilk production.

3. Stay Away From Alcohol And Nicotine:
No surprises here, isn’t it? Alcohol and nicotine consumption are harmful not only before and during, but also after pregnancy, specifically, while you are nursing your little one. Nicotine and alcohol restrict the breastmilk supply. These substances can pass into your baby’s body through your breastmilk and trigger developmental problems for your baby.

4. Check Your Medications:
If you have been taking medications, now’s the time to visit your doctor and check if it is interfering with your milk production. Avoid using hormonal contraceptives right after your delivery.

5. Grab The Oatmeal:
It is believed that oatmeal is extremely helpful in increasing chest milk production. Instead of using the instant variety, consider using the old fashioned oats.

6. Stay Calm And Relaxed:
Believe it or not, stress does play a huge role in reducing the supply of milk. Well, handling a baby can be a tough job, and you may not be getting enough rest, so it’s now time to get help from your hubby and make sure you sleep well and stay positive and relaxed throughout. This will help you ensure a good supply of milk.

7. Consider Pumping:
If you are a working mom, you should try establishing a pumping schedule for a smoother transition. It helps you store chest milk in larger quantities. If you are staying at home, pumping milk after breastfeeding your baby will boost your milk production.
[ Read: How To Store chest Milk ]

 8. Switch Sides:
Make sure that you feed your baby from both br**sts during every nursing session.When you feel that your little one loses interest or falls asleep, it is the time to switch to another side. By doing so, br**sts produce more milk and your baby empties each chest.

9. Use The Right Bra:
Wearing a tight bra that compresses your chest region or one that is rigid around the band can affect milk flow. The wrong choice of bra can lead to clogged ducts that will not produce any milk and make you uncomfortable.

10. chest Massage:
Massaging your chest will help to boost the volume and fat percentage in your chest milk. When you are comfort nursing your baby (i.e., soothing and calming herself), you can gently massage the chest region and towards the bosoms. Now wait for her to swallow the milk. Proceed to massage another area of the chest. Repeat feeding your baby.

11. Give Up Feeding Routines:
Feed your baby when she wants to feed. You can also offer the chest to your baby when you are not sure about whether she wants or not. The more you feed your baby, the more your br**sts will supply milk.

12. Avoid Formula Feeds:
The more formula feed you offer your baby than breastfeeding, the less milk you will produce. Your br**sts cannot make more milk, and your baby starts refusing breastmilk.

13. Eat A Healthy & Balanced Diet:
Go for a breastfeeding friendly diet. Nursing moms require more calories than non-nursing moms. They should be good calories, not the empty calories like those present in sugars, processed foods, and grain/wheat products. Your diet should include healthy fats, plenty of leafy greens, nuts, seeds and proteins.

14. Drink More Water:
Breastfeeding will make you thirsty, and your body will suffer if you do not drink enough water. Also, the milk glands cannot produce milk if you get dehydrated. So, it is always advisable to keep a water bottle and drink water while feeding your baby. Also, eat water rich foods.